Articles Written By: Jack Truet

Ballet Dancing and Your Back

Ballet dancers put a great deal of stress on their bodies due to the demanding nature of the activity. This is especially true in regards to the lower back, as back pain seems to go hand in hand with ballet. Luckily, there are things that can be done to alleviate this condition, before the need for back surgery arises. Strengthening your core muscles with Pilates or yoga is a good first step, especially if this back pain has just begun. It is vital that you do everything possible to prevent serious back injuries while doing ballet.

If your back pain reaches a critical stage, you should visit a doctor. A common ailment found in ballet dancers is called spondylolysis, which is a stress fracture in the spine. This stress fracture is caused by the bending and twisting that is involved with ballet dancing, as it can overload certain parts of the spine. Once this overload occurs, the bones in the spine are unable to support the body, which leads to small fractures. The constant stress that dancing with improper technique puts on your spine eventually fractures these bones and leads to a great deal of pain.

One way to prevent spondylolysis is to follow the correct form when dancing. Keeping your body aligned goes a long way in preventing injuries by minimizing the amount of strain that is put on the back. Your ballet instructor will teach you to keep your spine in a neutral position, as this helps you to avoid injuries. Work on your form consistently to avoid problems in the future. The better your form, the less chance there is of injuries occurring in the future.

Once a doctor diagnoses you with spondylolysis, the only treatment is a significant period of rest and, in some cases, an immobilizing brace on the spine. The brace is dependent on the amount of damage that has been done and the amount of pain that you are feeling. The road back to the dance floor will be a long one, as it takes significant time to strengthen your back muscles enough to support your spine again. Luckily, back surgery is not normally an option for this injury, unless it reaches a critical stage.

Just because you have experienced back pain, however, does mean that you have spondylolysis. This back pain could also come from other ailments like a herniated disk, muscle spasms, muscle strains, slipped vertebrae or a deformity in the vertebrae. Some of these conditions might require back surgery, but the majority just require rest and strengthening your core.

Back pain in ballet dancers is usually the result of moving your spine quickly in many different directions. This occurs because of the movements that are required to dance, which are not going to change. What can change, however, is the conditioning that you do before you dance, as building your core muscles can help keep your spine in place.

In addition, it is vital that you take the necessary rest when you do feel back pain, to prevent your injury from worsening. Do not go back to dancing until the pain is completely gone, as dancing too soon can lead to a serious injury. You should also warm up properly before you dance, as stiff muscles are more likely to strain than muscles that have been properly stretched and loosened.

Quotes About Doctors

You know what they call the fellow who finishes last in his medical school graduating class? They call him ‘Doctor.’

– Abe Lemons

You may not be able to read a doctor’s handwriting and prescription, but you’ll notice his bills are neatly typewritten.

– Earl Wilson

I don’t go to the doctor except when I’m very ill, and when I go to India, I drink a drop of local water.

– Nassim Nicholas Taleb

As a medical doctor, it is my duty to evaluate the situation with as much data as I can gather and as much expertise as I have and as much experience as I have to determine whether or not the wish of the patient is medically justified.

– Jack Kevorkian

I think if I took therapy, the doctor would quit. He’d just pick up the couch and walk out of the room.

– Don Rickles

A doctor gave a man six months to live. The man couldn’t pay his bill, so he gave him another six months.

– Henny Youngman

It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

– Jesus Christ

I will say that walking down the street, getting on the subway, taking the elevator, if there’s one or two people and they say, ‘Great job, Mayor,’ that is a real turn-on. I mean, anybody that wouldn’t find that satisfying, rewarding, exciting, thrilling – I think they should see the doctor.

– Michael Bloomberg

Parenting a Struggling Teen-The Pinnacle Schools Reviews

If you are parenting a struggling teenager, it is so tempting to constantly clean up their mess when they mess up. Sure, when kids are younger, it’s natural to help them pick up all the pieces when they mess up. Maybe your 8 year old mistakenly left some homework in his room, so you drove back to school to make sure he had his homework. However, as your child grows older, saving the day for your teen may not be the right thing to do. For example, if your 17 year old child leaves homework at home, you may need to let them experience some of the consequences of his own actions.

Learning how to let go and let your teen learn from their mistakes it difficult. But don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that you are abandoning your teen. For example, if your child is using drugs and stealing money from you to pay for their habit, you can make sure they deal with the consequences while still being there for your child. Let them know that the behavior has to stop. You may want to have them get involved in a drug treatment program before they are able to return to your home. You are there to help them get beyond their struggle without enabling their bad behavior.

Of course, letting go while still being there for your team can be a delicate balance and it will depend upon the individual situation. The challenge for you is to find the balance between hanging on to your teen and letting go so they can learn from their mistakes and improve their behavior. When it is tough to let go, remember that hanging on to your teen too tightly can end up increasing the problem, resulting in more rebellion from your teen. Continue to be supportive of your teen, but it is time to let go and find the balance between letting go and hanging on. Read More

How to Avoid a Shoulder Injury

No one wants to injure their body, but there are certain things that you are doing that could result in you needing shoulder surgery. To help prevent a trip to the shoulder surgeon, take a few moments to look over the following items that could help you to reduce these risks.

Perhaps the most important thing you can do is to warm up properly before you plan on doing anything that will involve the use of your shoulders. This will include spending time properly stretching your muscles and ensuring that you don’t try to overdo lifting that can put too much stress on the shoulders.

In addition to warming up, you will find that another thing you can do to help reduce the need for shoulder surgery as the result of an injury, will be to build up the muscle in the area. This can be done through a series of exercises that focus on safely building the muscle mass in your shoulders and keeping it protected. If you aren’t sure if this form of exercise is good for the current condition you are in, check with your doctor or a shoulder surgeon to ensure that there isn’t an additional risk for injury. Read More

Assistance from a Troubled Teen School

Parents, if you are like me, you may need to seek the assistance of troubled teen school. They provide the support programs your teen needs that we parents aren’t equipped to provide.

A lot of the schools that are available offer a team of professionals to help your child.  This team focuses on improving a troubled teen’s self-esteem, confidence, and they help them improve in school. These teams generally work with parents and their troubled teen to develop a treatment plan. Read More